domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Neste Domingo, pinte o céu com muitas estrelas

Olhar o céu e pintá-lo com muitas estrelas para que os corações se iluminem é um excelente desafio. Nestes dias de crises declaradas, de batalhas apostadas e de guerras mascaradas, olhar o céu e nele apostar talvez seja o caminho para o discernimento e para a pacificação das agruras impostas na terra.
Enya já o fez em "Paint the Sky with Stars ", uma canção de ascese extraida do Álbum "The best of Enya".

Paint the Sky with Stars
Suddenly before my eyes
Hues of indigo arise
With them how my spirit sighs
Paint the sky with stars

Only night will ever know
Why the heavens never show
All the dreams there are to know
Paint the sky with stars

Who has paced the midnight sky?
So a spirit has to fly
As the heavens seem so far
Now who will paint the midnight star?
Night has brought to those who sleep
Only dreams they cannot keep
I have legends in the deep
Paint the sky with stars

Who has paced the midnight sky?
So a spirit has to fly
As the heavens seem so far
Now who will paint the midnight star?
Place a name upon the night
One to set your heart alight
And to make the darkness bright
Paint the sky with stars

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